Proje Mobile Vehicles Co: Fabrication de remorques de camions d'autobus mobiles à usage spécial autobus de remorques mobiles éducation à la santé autobus de remorques militaires conception et fabrication de caravanes mobiles. Rénovation de remorque de conteneur d'autobus de remorque de conception de luxe. WhatsApp 24h / 24 et 7j / 7: +90.542.6762222
Pzt-Cum 8:30 18:30
Projet Mobile Co. Fabrication de conception de bus de camions mobiles à usage spécial en TURQUIE
We also call the things that people do to make life easier by using science technology. Information is the source of life for society, and technology makes life easier. We have specially designed and manufactured the most special and equipped Science Bus in Turkey for Konya Food University. Considering that the opportunity to access science and technology is limited, especially for children and young people living in the countryside, to have science and technology experiences can only be provided with a “Mobile Science Bus and Trailer”, the experienced team of our company has made efforts to design and produce products after R &D studies. Dec. In addition, “Science Buses ", "Technology education trailers" have been designed with units such as science laboratory, living room, sink that can be used by our Professors, Associate Professors, lecturers who do science on the field.
"Mobile Science Trailer” is ready for the use of universities, associations, foundations, government institutions and organizations and scientists. The designer / manufacturer and the buyer come together to determine the desired features and accessories Decoupled in the vehicle. The vehicle is manufactured according to National and International applicable laws. The climatic conditions of the country to be used in energy equipment and air conditioning are taken into account. Mobile science technology trailers can be produced in truck or bus format. Container or Caravan formats also please contact our company for detailed project and proposal